1. For all young people of our parish who are making life choices at this time, we pray to the LORD.
2. For all families, that they may have a positive regard for vocations to the priesthood and religious life,
we pray to the LORD.
3. For all seminarians and Sisters in formation, especially those of our diocese, as they prepare for a
lifetime of service in the Church, we pray to the LORD.
4. For all priests, deacons, Sisters, and brothers, especially those of our diocese, that they may provide
an example and guidance to all youth, we pray to the LORD.
5. For youth ministers, may they find creative ways to help their youth to know and to respond to their
vocation, we pray to the LORD.
6. For all who actively support the promotion of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, that
they may see the fruit of their efforts in a rich harvest of vocations, we pray to the LORD.
7. For the clergy and religious of our diocese, that their example may be an encouragement for young
people to consider a Church vocation, we pray to the LORD.
8. For all who support the work of vocation promotion through their prayers, sacrifices, and good
works, we pray to the LORD.
9. For all parents who by prayer and example nourish the call of God in each of their children, we pray
to the LORD.
10. For all religious congregations serving the Church in our diocese and throughout the world, may their
lives of prayer and service be for us a vibrant support in our spiritual lives, we pray to the LORD.
11. For our newly ordained priests, in thanksgiving for their ordination and that their years of service in
our diocese will be filled with joy and growth, we pray to the LORD.
12. For those who will be ordained this year to the priesthood and transitional diaconate, that God’s
grace and blessings be generously poured out upon them, we pray to the LORD.
13. That all Christians will acknowledge their equal dignity as sons and daughters of God given them in
Baptism, and accept their call to live in holiness and service, we pray to the LORD
14. That all Christians will preach the Good News of Jesus Christ through their chosen role as parent,
spouse, single person, priest or religious, to give glory to God and witness to each other, we pray to
the LORD.
15. That the priests of our diocese, through their lives of service, may present a strong model of
priesthood to young men today, we pray to the LORD.
16. That all Christians—bishops, priests and deacons; religious men and women, and all baptized laity—
will be faithful and fruitful in their witness to the Good News in the world, we pray to the LORD.
17. That religious who faithfully live the vows of poverty, celibate chastity and obedience may present a
model of spirituality that attracts new members to religious community life, we pray to the LORD.
18. That the life and mission of the men and women in consecrated life be a means of sanctification for
them and building up the kingdom of God, we pray to the LORD.
19. That religious priests, who--in addition to receiving the sacrament of Holy Orders, have taken the
vows of poverty, celibate chastity, and obedience, and belong to religious communities--may be
blessed by their service to the Church, we pray to the LORD.
20. That all permanent deacons, and their families, will be blessed for their gift of generous service to
the People of God, we pray to the LORD.
21. For all baptized persons who are preparing to make a permanent commitment through vows—in
marriage, holy orders, or religious life—that they may grow daily in their experience of joyful service,
we pray to the LORD.
22. That monks and nuns, whose lives are governed by the spirit and practice of contemplation in living
religious life, will be sustained in their life of prayer by God’s grace and our support, we pray to the
23. For all parents of our parish, that they may instill a positive regard for the priesthood and religious
life as wholesome paths for their sons and daughters, we pray to the LORD.
24. For those called to a Church vocation by the power of the Holy Spirit that they will be filled with the
courage and faith needed to respond to a life of service, we pray to the LORD.
25. For a fuller appreciation of the gift of ministry within the Church, and an increase in vocations to the
priesthood and religious life, we pray to the LORD.
26. For the religious communities of sisters, brothers and priests, that they may receive abundant
number of vocations to continue their life and ministry, we pray to the LORD.
27. That parents will be courageous and pray ‘the difficult prayer’, that one or more of their sons and
daughters will hear and follow God’s call to a Church vocation, we pray to the LORD.
28. For our parish, that we continue to actively invite men and women in our midst to share their gifts
and energy with our Church, we pray to the LORD.
29. For all our seminarians and women and men in initial formation, that they may persevere in their
studies and grow in their relationship with the God who calls them, we pray to the LORD.
30. For those who guide and support the seminarians and the religious sisters and brothers in formation,
we pray to the LORD.
31. In gratitude for Mary, that young people will look to her as a model of saying “yes” to being chosen
by God for special work for the Kingdom of God, we pray to the LORD.
32. That the minds and hearts of young men and women be open to hear and respond generously to
God’s invitation to help build the Kingdom of God on earth, we pray to the LORD.
33. In gratitude for families and parish communities that encourage Church vocations to a life of service,
we pray to the LORD.
34. For all who work to promote vocation awareness in our diocese and throughout the Church, we pray
to the LORD.
35. That parents, by their lives and example, may encourage Church vocations among their children, we
pray to the LORD.
36. For all young men and women who wish to follow Christ, that they may respond generously to God’s
graces, trusting that He will lead them in their discernment, we pray to the LORD.
37. For Christian families, the source of religious vocations, that they may encourage young people to
rejoice in doing God’s will, we pray to the LORD.
38. That today’s youth may courageously respond to Jesus’ call and make wise decisions in choosing
their vocation in life, we pray to the LORD.
39. For young men of our parish who are making life choices at this time, that many be open to and
generous in considering service to the People of God as a diocesan priest, we pray to the LORD.
40. That our parish community may live its baptismal vocation of becoming the People of God as
disciples of Jesus, we pray to the LORD
41. For a fuller appreciation of the gift of ministry within the Church, and for an increase of vocations to
the priesthood and religious life, we pray to the LORD.
42. For all pastors and parish priests of our diocese, that they will recognize and invite those men and
women being called to ordained and consecrated lives to answer the call, we pray to the LORD.
43. For all priests, deacons, religious men and women, and all lay ministers who serve our Church—that
they will be attentive to those who are discerning a vocation at this time, we pray to the LORD.
44. For our parish families that their joyful faith will encourage young people to answer Christ’s call to a
life of ministry and service.
45. For all involved in the examination of candidates to priesthood or to consecrated life, that their
choices will benefit the Church, we pray to the LORD.
46. For all who promote a culture of Vocations in our diocese, that they will grow in appreciation of the
call to holiness, and that the seeds of awareness they plant will grow to maturity through prayer and
care, we pray to the LORD.
47. That men, women and families who hear the call to “go into the whole world” will respond
generously as priests, deacons, brothers, sisters and lay ministers, we pray to the LORD.
48. That this be a time of grace and growth throughout the diocese, and that there will be a renewal of
interest in vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, we pray to the LORD.
49. That many young men will be open to Jesus’ call to religious life as priests and/or brothers, to serve
the many needs of the Church and of the world, we pray to the LORD.
50. That many young women will be open to Jesus’ call to consecrated life to serve the many needs of
the Church and of the world. We pray to the LORD.
51. For all young women in our parish who are making life choices, that they will find in religious life the
community, prayer and service that they desire, we pray to the Lord.
52. For all those who seek to know God’s will for them, that they will listen deeply and respond
trustingly, we pray to the Lord.
53. For those novices from our diocese who are preparing to make their first vows in religious life, that
God’s grace and blessings be generously poured out upon them, we pray to the Lord.
54. For all men and women preparing for the priesthood or consecrated life, that their days of formation
be filled with joy, peace and the certainty of God’s love, we pray to the Lord
2. For all families, that they may have a positive regard for vocations to the priesthood and religious life,
we pray to the LORD.
3. For all seminarians and Sisters in formation, especially those of our diocese, as they prepare for a
lifetime of service in the Church, we pray to the LORD.
4. For all priests, deacons, Sisters, and brothers, especially those of our diocese, that they may provide
an example and guidance to all youth, we pray to the LORD.
5. For youth ministers, may they find creative ways to help their youth to know and to respond to their
vocation, we pray to the LORD.
6. For all who actively support the promotion of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, that
they may see the fruit of their efforts in a rich harvest of vocations, we pray to the LORD.
7. For the clergy and religious of our diocese, that their example may be an encouragement for young
people to consider a Church vocation, we pray to the LORD.
8. For all who support the work of vocation promotion through their prayers, sacrifices, and good
works, we pray to the LORD.
9. For all parents who by prayer and example nourish the call of God in each of their children, we pray
to the LORD.
10. For all religious congregations serving the Church in our diocese and throughout the world, may their
lives of prayer and service be for us a vibrant support in our spiritual lives, we pray to the LORD.
11. For our newly ordained priests, in thanksgiving for their ordination and that their years of service in
our diocese will be filled with joy and growth, we pray to the LORD.
12. For those who will be ordained this year to the priesthood and transitional diaconate, that God’s
grace and blessings be generously poured out upon them, we pray to the LORD.
13. That all Christians will acknowledge their equal dignity as sons and daughters of God given them in
Baptism, and accept their call to live in holiness and service, we pray to the LORD
14. That all Christians will preach the Good News of Jesus Christ through their chosen role as parent,
spouse, single person, priest or religious, to give glory to God and witness to each other, we pray to
the LORD.
15. That the priests of our diocese, through their lives of service, may present a strong model of
priesthood to young men today, we pray to the LORD.
16. That all Christians—bishops, priests and deacons; religious men and women, and all baptized laity—
will be faithful and fruitful in their witness to the Good News in the world, we pray to the LORD.
17. That religious who faithfully live the vows of poverty, celibate chastity and obedience may present a
model of spirituality that attracts new members to religious community life, we pray to the LORD.
18. That the life and mission of the men and women in consecrated life be a means of sanctification for
them and building up the kingdom of God, we pray to the LORD.
19. That religious priests, who--in addition to receiving the sacrament of Holy Orders, have taken the
vows of poverty, celibate chastity, and obedience, and belong to religious communities--may be
blessed by their service to the Church, we pray to the LORD.
20. That all permanent deacons, and their families, will be blessed for their gift of generous service to
the People of God, we pray to the LORD.
21. For all baptized persons who are preparing to make a permanent commitment through vows—in
marriage, holy orders, or religious life—that they may grow daily in their experience of joyful service,
we pray to the LORD.
22. That monks and nuns, whose lives are governed by the spirit and practice of contemplation in living
religious life, will be sustained in their life of prayer by God’s grace and our support, we pray to the
23. For all parents of our parish, that they may instill a positive regard for the priesthood and religious
life as wholesome paths for their sons and daughters, we pray to the LORD.
24. For those called to a Church vocation by the power of the Holy Spirit that they will be filled with the
courage and faith needed to respond to a life of service, we pray to the LORD.
25. For a fuller appreciation of the gift of ministry within the Church, and an increase in vocations to the
priesthood and religious life, we pray to the LORD.
26. For the religious communities of sisters, brothers and priests, that they may receive abundant
number of vocations to continue their life and ministry, we pray to the LORD.
27. That parents will be courageous and pray ‘the difficult prayer’, that one or more of their sons and
daughters will hear and follow God’s call to a Church vocation, we pray to the LORD.
28. For our parish, that we continue to actively invite men and women in our midst to share their gifts
and energy with our Church, we pray to the LORD.
29. For all our seminarians and women and men in initial formation, that they may persevere in their
studies and grow in their relationship with the God who calls them, we pray to the LORD.
30. For those who guide and support the seminarians and the religious sisters and brothers in formation,
we pray to the LORD.
31. In gratitude for Mary, that young people will look to her as a model of saying “yes” to being chosen
by God for special work for the Kingdom of God, we pray to the LORD.
32. That the minds and hearts of young men and women be open to hear and respond generously to
God’s invitation to help build the Kingdom of God on earth, we pray to the LORD.
33. In gratitude for families and parish communities that encourage Church vocations to a life of service,
we pray to the LORD.
34. For all who work to promote vocation awareness in our diocese and throughout the Church, we pray
to the LORD.
35. That parents, by their lives and example, may encourage Church vocations among their children, we
pray to the LORD.
36. For all young men and women who wish to follow Christ, that they may respond generously to God’s
graces, trusting that He will lead them in their discernment, we pray to the LORD.
37. For Christian families, the source of religious vocations, that they may encourage young people to
rejoice in doing God’s will, we pray to the LORD.
38. That today’s youth may courageously respond to Jesus’ call and make wise decisions in choosing
their vocation in life, we pray to the LORD.
39. For young men of our parish who are making life choices at this time, that many be open to and
generous in considering service to the People of God as a diocesan priest, we pray to the LORD.
40. That our parish community may live its baptismal vocation of becoming the People of God as
disciples of Jesus, we pray to the LORD
41. For a fuller appreciation of the gift of ministry within the Church, and for an increase of vocations to
the priesthood and religious life, we pray to the LORD.
42. For all pastors and parish priests of our diocese, that they will recognize and invite those men and
women being called to ordained and consecrated lives to answer the call, we pray to the LORD.
43. For all priests, deacons, religious men and women, and all lay ministers who serve our Church—that
they will be attentive to those who are discerning a vocation at this time, we pray to the LORD.
44. For our parish families that their joyful faith will encourage young people to answer Christ’s call to a
life of ministry and service.
45. For all involved in the examination of candidates to priesthood or to consecrated life, that their
choices will benefit the Church, we pray to the LORD.
46. For all who promote a culture of Vocations in our diocese, that they will grow in appreciation of the
call to holiness, and that the seeds of awareness they plant will grow to maturity through prayer and
care, we pray to the LORD.
47. That men, women and families who hear the call to “go into the whole world” will respond
generously as priests, deacons, brothers, sisters and lay ministers, we pray to the LORD.
48. That this be a time of grace and growth throughout the diocese, and that there will be a renewal of
interest in vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, we pray to the LORD.
49. That many young men will be open to Jesus’ call to religious life as priests and/or brothers, to serve
the many needs of the Church and of the world, we pray to the LORD.
50. That many young women will be open to Jesus’ call to consecrated life to serve the many needs of
the Church and of the world. We pray to the LORD.
51. For all young women in our parish who are making life choices, that they will find in religious life the
community, prayer and service that they desire, we pray to the Lord.
52. For all those who seek to know God’s will for them, that they will listen deeply and respond
trustingly, we pray to the Lord.
53. For those novices from our diocese who are preparing to make their first vows in religious life, that
God’s grace and blessings be generously poured out upon them, we pray to the Lord.
54. For all men and women preparing for the priesthood or consecrated life, that their days of formation
be filled with joy, peace and the certainty of God’s love, we pray to the Lord